Judy Eron
My husband Jim was a psychologist, a warm and
wonderful man who had manic-depressive illness.
After 13 successful years on lithium, he abruptly
stopped taking it, which catapulted him into a year-long
manic episode, changing him from soulmate
to horrific imposter, and ultimately leading to his
suicide. What Goes Up... is a personal account of
my efforts to deal with his sudden enormous
changes, how off-center I was thrown despite
being a clinical social worker myself, despite Jim's and my thinking we were prepared.
During that year, I searched for resources.
Although there were many books about dealing
with a loved one who is depressed, I found
precious little about dealing with someone who is
manic. My book is what I would have wanted to
read then, a book that would likely have helped me
stay grounded in the face of Jim's ferocious
persuasiveness. My hope is that this book will
reach those who find themselves in similar shoes
to mine.